Our Services
As experts in criminal defence, E ANSELMA CRIMINAL LAW SPECIALISTS have the knowledge, experience and resources to represent you in all forms of criminal proceedings across Victoria.
Specifically, we can provide legal assistance in both State (Victoria Police) and Commonwealth (Australian Federal Police) matters, as follows:
Trials in the Supreme and County Courts
Police arrests and interviews
Search warrants
Bail applications
Pleas of guilty
Criminal Justice Diversion Program
Committal proceedings
Contested hearings
Intervention Orders
Crimes (Mental Impairment) and Fitness to be Tried
Assessment and Referral Court (ARC)
Koori Court
Sex Offender Registration Act
Asset confiscations, restraining orders and proceeds of crime litigation
Penalty enforcement hearings and infringements warrants
Actions of breaches of court orders
Local council prosecutions
Firearms licencing
Children's Court
Office of the Chief Examiner
Licence Eligibility Orders
Supervision Orders
Our legal fees in relation to such matters may be privately funded by you, or you may be eligible for a grant of legal financial assistance from Victoria Legal Aid for your matter depending on your circumstances and the circumstances of the offending.
We can discuss both options with you and provide you with further information at your initial consultation.